Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Prefectness Of Fall...

If I were to describe to you the perfectness of Autumn, it would go something like this:

     The perfectness of Autumn is more a feeling than an actual thing.
     I think of the perfectness of Autumn as the first day it feels like Fall. You know, the day the very air itself changes... it is cooler, the air smells crisp and the tree's are changing color. The peaches are on and the apples are in, you start seeing flower's you never noticed before.
     Its' when you want the Fall smells, colors, as well as tastes to be everywhere. The smell of fresh peach pies, apple scrapples, home baked bread and soup.
     It's sitting out on the porch and talking with friend's and family, laughing and remembering. It's a time to begin to gather together to reminisce about the 'old day's'.

It's the day you put the warmer quilts back on the bed. Pull out the sweater's and slipper's, while putting the summer clothes away. It's the time to start working on afghan's, quilts, and things to help keep you warm in the working.
     It's the smell of burning ditch banks, the sound of laughing children playing in the leaves.
     The time when you do your canning. I like doing peaches and tomatoes best! Both bring a flood of happy memories.
     Its going for strolls in the evening, holding the hand of someone you love, while enjoying the things that the summer has left, the flower garden's, the bailed fields, the changing mountain colors.
     It is the best time of year!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! Fall is my very favorite- the time when you eat apple scrapple and watch icabod!!!
