Monday, February 8, 2010

Standing Out VS Blending In...

I have never thought of myself as being an artistic person.
I learned to do handwork and I can draw a few stick fugures...

I also have to fess up to being the kind of person who doesn't really like to 'take classes' to learn things.
Sure I like to learn some basic's from someone 'in the know'.
But for the most part, I would rather 'do it myself'.
Maybe it's because I'm the youngest, maybe it's because Mom would tell the other kids not to bug me when I would march happily out into the world singing an off key tune in mis-matched clothes.
Maybe it's because Mom Made Turquoise Christmas stockings rather than the traditional red...

All I know is...
I like to learn a way I like to do things instead of doing things the way other people think I should...
If I want to paint a blue flower when everyone else is painting red ones-
I do it.
If I like a coloring book page, I might embroider it instead...

Lately I have mainly stuck to doing things that I feel 'safe' doing...

Then I got a camera!
Then I got another camera!!
And I found that I L-O-V-E photography!!!

I love everthing about it-the way I look at things now, that I notice even the smallest things, that I am 'seeing' old things in new ways...

The point I'm dancing around here is this...

Don't be afraid to try something new!

Tiny Dancer likes to use pencils, pens and crayons.
In book's, on paper, wood, doll's faces, chairs, countertops...
So in an attempt to allow her to contine learning to use these things I did the only reasonable thing I could think of...
got her water color paint.

I was telling my Sister's, Auntie Nana and Aunt B., about how much fun she is having and mentioned that I needed to get Poppy (a.k.a. Honey) to make her an easel.

Aunt B., being a person of numerous fantastic talents...asked if I would like to borrow her table easel for a while-
Heck Yah!!!
It was a hit!
Tiny Dancer uses it every day she is here.
Today as she was coloring her 3 horses, table, and a picture blue and purple, singing an off key song she was making up at the same time...
I was greatful for parents allowing me to grow up standing out rather than blending in...
Poppy's, Honey Do list has grown to include table and standing easel's for both of us...
I'm even now hatching plans for something new...

Smile and remember;
We're fool's whethter we dance or not. So we might as well dance. 

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