Monday, February 22, 2010

I Look At Clouds

I like looking at the mountain's around my home town.
It's because they are the same every day
while they change every second.

I like looking at clouds for the same reasons.
Remember when you were young and would lay on your back looking up at the ever changing cloud's as they played across the sky?

So, when I can watch the clouds as they play acorss the mountain
 it's like a glimps of Heaven to me.
Spring is on it's way and wtih it come
 the bluest sky's and
the whitest clouds.
I saw these amazing marshmellow clouds
 creeping up the afternoon sky and over the tops of the mountains...
Do you see the fascinating shapes?!

What is it you see hiding there?
I see a boy and his dog...
See him laughing as his dog roll's around with him?

Or is it pigs flying??
You know there are a lot of neat-o things I've been told I can do
"when pigs fly"
Maybe it's a sea turtle
gliding effortlessly through the Carribean blue sky waters...
Yes its true.
I look at clouds.
Because I like looking up...

Smile and remember;
We're fool's whether we dance or not. So we might as well dance.

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