Sunday, October 17, 2010

the Hay Maze

Around our neck of the woods around Halloween you see all sorts of "haunted" stuff show up. Haunted houses, Haunted Hollows, Haunted amusement parks....
A few years ago a new fad came into being and that is the "corn maze" Farmer's will plot out a maze course and plant the corn field to have the trails left unplanted...often they will have other things like a hot cocoa stand that has hot dogs and a place to warm your hands. Some times there will be a slide propped up on a few of the big stacked bails of hay or straw...a calf feeder filled with straw and candy to try to find. Sometimes they will have a big wagon loaded with pumpkins you can buy if you want.

I don't like to get scared.
Its a fact.
I can't bring myself to pay someone to scare the scream out of me.
Its just how I am.

But I can, and do, like going to the little "hay maze" a local fruit stand puts up at no charge for the little kids.
We found it last year and Tiny Dancer has remember it all year.

It was set up last week and we were so there!
We met some cousins last week and had a good ol time...

Climbing the hill of straw and tipping over in it...

This year they added a kiddy size slide and made the maze a lot longer and with more choices to take.
The best part is still, all the racing and chasing each other around and around...

So while the weather holds and the skis don't open up soaking the straw and making it to slippery to run on, we will be going down for some regular entertainment, fresh fruits and vegetables...and a piece of trick or treat candy they offer the little ones.

It's nice to live in this neck of the woods.

Thank you to the fruit stand that offers a rollicking good time to the knee high crowd!!!

Smile and remember;
We're all fool's whether we dance or not. So we might as well dance.
Japanese proverb

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