Monday, February 21, 2011

February Snows

     The skies sure seem to be a more beautiful shade of blue when contrasted with the brilliant white of snow. But then the snows begin to melt, the skies begin to beckon, warming you to venture out your door to grab a rake, daring to encourage your grass to wake up...only to find the next morning bringing you a fresh cover of powder.

It's ok.
February snows melt off fast.
     A few more day's of warm sunshine through the South window's and you begin anew to dream Summer dreams...
     Then one night, February plays a trick on you. It shows you that the February Snows are not to be mocked and so it begins...flakes as large as tea saucers, fluffy as goose down from a broken pillow, begin floating gently from above. Converging to create drifts that cover the lane and you find yourself, snowed in, once again.
     It seems that every snow season ends with a few really good snow storms after all.
Bringing out the children who love to play in the last snows almost as much as the first.

      Adults stand looking out at the building depths vowing not to go out to work snow removal duty. Because everybody knows... February Snows melt off fast.
     This last storm was a doozy, it blew in sideways on a stiff wind, sticking to the South side of everything!
     By the next morning it was painfully obvious that it would be around for a while. As flakes of various sizes continued in equally various tempo's to waft through the February skies, one man stood firm in his resolve to let It melt off. One man was able to try out his end of season purchase of a big red snow blower. (You can tell the new ones because they do almost all the way around the block the first few times).
     With these last storms the winds pick up, noses turn red from the chill just running to the mail box, going out is dreaded. At night those same dancing winds moans around corners, tipping the last of the snow laden trees as jack Frost flits around the windows of houses and cars, painting his crystals as thickly as he can...
     Sitting on the heater with a blanket and a book I keep telling myself with a chuckle, February Snows melt off fast...
     One man confesses that maybe he should have removed snow this one last time, then corrects himself quickly and resolutely... February Snows should melt off, and this one will, sometime.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a delightful peek at February snows. My cheeks are sore from smiling as I read this warm and cozily written account (well, warm and cozy for some... :-)
