Friday, April 15, 2011

What Do You Do...

What do you do when you can't do anything?!

When the bottom drops out and there's no place to stand that doesn't seem to be sliding, and its raining out side and you can't see to fly...
What do you do when you can't do anything!?
You stand helplessly by with a word and a prayer. You stay as busy as you possibly can!
You clean and you scrub, you dust and you sweep, You find time to do the things from your really long, "someday I need to get that done" list...
By then it's noon and you have at least a million more years to the end of the day.
So then what?
What can you do when you can't do anything?
You try hard to obey, even when the master's plan doesn't make a lick of sense to you.
You lean into the wind as you try to breath when your breath is stolen in snatches, you count your heart beats as they pound through your chest, and you do the small things you can...
When the bottom drops out and there's no place to stand that isn't to slippery, and its raining out side and you can't see to fly...

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