Saturday, July 3, 2010

It's My Thing...

I have always been content to do my own thing. I don't like to follow to many rules other's make up, when I am certainly capable of making up perfectly good rules all by my own self. Maybe it's that old "spoiled youngest" thing that bubbles cheerfully inside me, maybe I really am just pleasantly obstinate, or, maybe God's plans for me were to stand out, even if it is only in my own mind...
All I know is...
I like me.
Walt Disney once said that "the more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique".   Take it from me, I am unique! It may be the water I drink, or the unquietable kid inside, but I am perfectly happy being who I am. 
Most day's that is... 

I would probably still dawn a tu-tu or dance in a Summer rain storm in my night clothes if given the chance. But because I understand I should have some sort of propriety in manners and conduct I have tried sporadically throughout the years, although not whole heartedly, to fit a mold I thought the world held for me. It's like the proverbially square hole round peg thing...

I am only now coming to realize that it is my "uniqueness" that draws people to moths to a flame...I don't even have to leave home, as my daughter recently told me, after a woman I never saw before, and who lived in a completely different State was leaving our home, after just "stopping by" for an hour or so stay, to ask about the *cement chunk hill* in our back yard, and discussing various type of lost arts handwork we both enjoy, she being heavily laden with some newly gained treasures from a pile of things to be taken to good will and leaving behind her personal information so we can stay in touch...She is a dear, and I'm so glad I was able to meet her!
And the fact that she stopped told me, that there are other soul's like me out there...

And today I'm content to be...weird and happy.

Smile and remember;
We're fool's whether we dance or not. So we might as well dance.

Photo found on a google search, artist unlisted.

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