Are far and away the very best to sleep under!
Its true~
You do sleep better under a quilt made with love.
I don't like the quilts that are quilted by machine so much that they are stiff...
I treasure the ones that are hand quilted.
and chuck full of love!
This past Summer I was given such a quilt.
One that my Honey's,Great-Gramma Darley,
pieced and hand quilted for her daughter,
Honey's Gramma Pehrson.
His mom remembers it being on her mom's bed, when she was a little girl.
As she lovingly runs her hand over the stitching...
And since Honey and I are getting to be old duffers now...
I though it safe to put on our bed
for the winter.
I LoVe the weight and feel of old quilts!
When I was a kid,
the time of year would come to pull out what we called the
"Camp Quilts",
That was a fun day to be sure-
They weighed a ton a piece!
My Gramma Johnson had made and re-made them...
From wool.
With one on the bed you could still move-
but with two?!
You couldn't even turn over for the weight!
And they felt neat too.
All the ridges and rows of hand quilted stitching...
We slept in one of the two upstairs bed room's,
with no heater or insulation in the roof,
so it got pretty darn cold in the winters.
We would sleep under the ten-ton quilts and pull our clothes in with us to get them warm before we would put them on in the mornings...
You might be able to see your breath...
but under those quilts...
it was toasty warm!
People didn't often go out and buy fabric for a quilt so it would match...they just used up what they had...
no matter how small the piece it was saved for a quilt top latter on.
from kids fabric...
bright fabrics...
Weird kinds...
Old clothes or bedding was often used too.
This is the only worn spot on the quilt and I will be fixing that a.s.a.p.
How you ask?
I will take a piece of paper and make a copy of the block that needs replacing.
Then I will go through my stash of vintage fabrics for something that matches the other fabrics on the quilt and cutting out one of fabric and one of wool batting.
Then I will carefully hand stitch them into place over the original piece.
(trimming off the little bit of ick there).
And then I will head back to the stash bag for something to repair and replace the binding on that edge...again staying as close to the original as possible.
feeling the texture of the stitches and wondering...
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