When I was three~
I know, because I got it for my Birthday..
I was given a book~
I loved that book~
I learned to read it that very day!
Mom was really surprised!
I also learned to write my name that day.
Granted the S's were backwards~
I thought that book was Great!
I have looked for that book on
rare children's book sites
You name it~and I've looked there.
The book was one of these:
Mine was
"Patrick and The Fuzzy Duckling"
"Patrick and The Fuzzy Duckling"
I read it so many times that I can still see the cover of the book~
the pictures,
the feel of the duck...
I would really like to get one of them
Another book I loved as a child
was given to me by
Gramma Fronk.
this is one of the pictures that was in that book~
I thought it was amazing they could find cats that dressed up!
(mine didn't particularly care for it)
I think we had an "Andy" too
but I'm not sure.
Her hair was just on the top and sides of her head
button eyes
and a heart.
she also had something on her bottom!
right side~
but I don't remember what it was...
was that where the heart and her name were?
can't remember.
Andy way...
I never even knew there was a camel with wrinkled knees!
I found this on ebay...
It wasn't 35 cents there.
I remember when most of the kids were little...
before my girl was born yet...
We sisters found a pattern similar to this one;
they didn't make the little one.
They didn't even make the middle size one.
They made the big ones!
They were as tall as the kids!
I was talking to one of my sisters about them not to long ago,
and she laughed and said she thinks she still has the doll~
She didn't sew hers and thinks its still just in the cut out fabric stage.
She mentioned something about not even wanting to finish it...
I bought a pattern this past Summer,
thinking I'd make an "Ann & Andy" for my house...
with the two sides like the old ones.
Speaking of "old Ones"
Wanna see what my mother-in-law gave me this year too?!
That's Honey's first and second grade class picture~
Its the first AND the second grade
in this picture.
Can you guess who my little dessert rat is?
He told me about all the doors being a different color-
First and second was orange.
Third and fourth was a color,
Fifth and sixth...
I remember he said one of the doors was blue...
He grew up going to work with his Dad a lot...
On the tractor and stompin' cotton...
When we were little~
things were a lot different than they are now.
and it was good.
Smile and Remember;
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.
but I'm not sure.
Her hair was just on the top and sides of her head
button eyes
and a heart.
she also had something on her bottom!
right side~
but I don't remember what it was...
was that where the heart and her name were?
can't remember.
Andy way...
I never even knew there was a camel with wrinkled knees!
I found this on ebay...
It wasn't 35 cents there.

before my girl was born yet...
We sisters found a pattern similar to this one;
They didn't even make the middle size one.
They made the big ones!
They were as tall as the kids!
I was talking to one of my sisters about them not to long ago,
and she laughed and said she thinks she still has the doll~
She didn't sew hers and thinks its still just in the cut out fabric stage.
She mentioned something about not even wanting to finish it...
I bought a pattern this past Summer,
thinking I'd make an "Ann & Andy" for my house...
with the two sides like the old ones.
Speaking of "old Ones"
Wanna see what my mother-in-law gave me this year too?!

Its the first AND the second grade
in this picture.
Can you guess who my little dessert rat is?
He told me about all the doors being a different color-
First and second was orange.
Third and fourth was a color,
Fifth and sixth...
I remember he said one of the doors was blue...
He grew up going to work with his Dad a lot...
On the tractor and stompin' cotton...
When we were little~
things were a lot different than they are now.
and it was good.
Smile and Remember;
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.
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