Saturday found Crafty Momma busy again!
Tis the big week-end for finishing up homemade gifts...
Ok-some of them.
While tiny Dancer and One Crafty Momma were busy
making things in one room
I was busy in another...
cleaning and setting up a few Christmas things.
Most of the stuff I put out is always homemade.
For instance...
the "Candy Hause" my Momma made for me.
from Wanda's pattern that I love...
and framed
for myself...
The 'JOY'
crafty Momma made for me last year
with the help of my Honey-
he was in charge of the cutting out of the wood.
It is out all year long because I likes it so much...
The long-leggedy Santa I made for Christmas gifts for me and
my two 'Sugar Lane' neighbors-
And some family member got one of these guys too...
Most of my Christmas decorations came from those years on
(please don't mind all the candy sitting pell-mell around it)
and the Santa...
My Momma made for me.
The Nativity I embroidered and framed
for myself...
The 'JOY'
crafty Momma made for me last year
with the help of my Honey-
he was in charge of the cutting out of the wood.
It is out all year long because I likes it so much...
The long-leggedy Santa I made for Christmas gifts for me and
my two 'Sugar Lane' neighbors-
And some family member got one of these guys too...
Most of my Christmas decorations came from those years on
'Sugar Lane'...
I started making my gifts to give this year
in June...
and I am just purt-near finished with them to the point I am happy with...
I am taking a tiny break right now to crochet myself a pair of house slippers
Then it will be back to 'Yo-yo ville' for me...
Smile and Remember;
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.
I started making my gifts to give this year
in June...
and I am just purt-near finished with them to the point I am happy with...
I am taking a tiny break right now to crochet myself a pair of house slippers
Then it will be back to 'Yo-yo ville' for me...
Smile and Remember;
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.