A hair rut.
I freely admit that for the world to hear.
Been here for a long time now and have contemplated numerous times the need to be cutting my hair.
I have been looking at a plethora of hair style pictures.
I have also made near major investments into hats- for those occasions that I just can't bear to look at it any longer!
My hats are definitely NOT quite as spiffy as this one, but close.
(One day soon I may show you some hats I have-they all pretty much look the same and I pretty much look the same in them---goofier than with out them I hear).
My hats are not near as fun as this lady's hat...and I bet her hair is immaculate with or with out the hat...

It has had a mind of it's own for as long as I can remember...
I will tell you that it isn't improving with age at all.
So I thought I'd let it grow out. It looked good when I was younger.
But now it is like this-
Not most days-but every day-except the days when its worse....
The "look in the mirror and jump in fright at your own reflection hair rut?!"
That is where I live.
Yes its all there in its rebellious "rutty" splendor...
The cow lick that if it had a tongue would be blowing raspberries all the time...
The wirey grays that listen to no one and aide the cow lick in it's shenanigans...
Its one I was growing out from a style that in the 70's was called a "short shag".
Again, it looked good on me once upon a time.
But this time it looked better after it had grown out quite a little more than a bit.
It was a better one.
It is the one I got for my daughters wedding two years ago.
It had the cow lick I have in the front under control and that darn "swirl" I have on the back of my head didn't have to be tamed every morning...
Since my hair rut has me desperately searching for a hat like this-

You may now sleep well, knowing, that I have taken the necessary steps to begin climbing from my hair rut...
encourage each other and may God bless
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