We have been having fun with 'ponekins' and straw mazes,
We are being scared regularly since Mommy taught Tiny Dancer to say,
Really scary like.
Right down to the scary fingers!!!
She feels Particularly scary when we all scream and run- or hide...
Makes this little goblin bust up laughing.
In June I started working on Christmas gifts...
because when you do things by hand-it takes a little more time.
But one of the beautiful things about homemade gifts-that I think people often don't take into consideration is that the person making the gift has thought about you the whole time!
then I saw a blog title a bit ago stating that there were only 12 weeks until Christmas, and you had better start now to get everything done!!!
But I got thinking that I'm glad I did start early-otherwise I would be finding myself in a world of hurt.
So far I haven't had to start the late night gift working-
I am prepared to do that if I must.
But since June I have been knitting...
And knitting...
And KniTTinG...
I've been crocheting...as much as I have been knitting!
I have thrown a few sewing projects in...you know, to break up the finger cramping and shoulder aching...
This little project was...interesting...
I like bags-I like bags a lot-I am a touch embarrassed to admit that I have an assortment of bags-
and yet I continue to collect them.
I have bags for my knitting-
I have bags for my crochet-
I have bags for my cross stitch-
And bags for my books-
I have fancy bags and simple bags-
I have large and small bags...
Full and empty bags are in there too-
I hope this admonition doesn't cause you to lose sleep...
-Fall Rituals-
Uncle Rusty has been so good about making sure we have had enough Johnathan apples this Fall for apple scrapple~
I went to a cooking class a friend of mine was doing and she had lots of apple recipes,
among them was one for an apple cake.
Honey and I had never had an apple cake-
so we tried it out...
we have a new favorite to add to our other favorites now.
~And old age~I confess again...
I must be full of confessions today...
That I have been having a struggle for some time with the fact that I look less like this than I ever have...
And I'm feeling more like this...Than I ever thought possible...
So while I sit and knit to the smell of apples baking,waiting for Miss scary fingers to wake up from her nap,
I shall contemplate these and other deep things...
And I shall smile and Remember;
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.