I think I will try to catch you up on what we have been up to...
We went to visit some family that we haven't seen in real live person for just about 2 years and were so happy to be able to this Summer!
This is not a new picture of Momma K and Daddy T-it is a few years old...but because she told me I am not allowed to take pictures of her for...I think she said 25 pounds...I pulled out the old ones for now...
We went to soft ball games and saw the "inferno" burn down the competitions and win the tournament...
We didn't get to see Beans pitch, but heard from quite a few that she can scare batters out of the box because she pitches so fast.
She was a little camera shy, so I think she might be surprised that I got this one...
Shy got to come for the night when we got home and we were very happy to see her, I will explain later on about her visit.
Honey was sad because he had to work and wasn't able to see her, but wanted her to know Gramp loves her.
Our Bubba kept trying to get his tongue out when ever he saw me taking pictures...I have lots of them.
He told us all kinds of stuff he knows about boom-a-rangs and movies, school and other wonderful things.
He knows lots of stuff...
That is a newly learned something and he is very good at it too!

We went to the play ground and museum and to breakfast and all sorts of things.
We went to the play ground and museum and to breakfast and all sorts of things.
This bright eyed guy is our Little Bear, and he reminds me a lot of his daddy when he was a little boy...
He likes to do lots of things at the park too...

he likes to stick out his tongue like his big brother...
Bubba was very good to his little brothers and gave Broozer rides with him around the yard on one of the four wheelers.
He can also drive the four wheelers by himself...until he runs into things, then he needs a little help.
We went and visited Kemper one morning and were happy to spend some time there... 
We did some golfing. I was a part time golf cart driver and heckler extraordinaire...
Honey was the first sand trap hero...he popped the ball up and out but got a sand shower in the process...
Young Daddy T. did pretty good for himself as well...it was Beans first time golfing and she did good and had fun driving the golf carts too.

This looks like a group of silly boys that were liking to tease and play.

I drove the boy's to the big city to meet their new baby brother...
Here is the oldest, youngest and middlest kids...

When they all got to come to our house Shy got to come spend over the night and meet her new brother...
It's ok-we can say that and know it is a good thing.
You see he started out at only 4 pound and 13 ozs. and now he is big and strong and healthy and likes to think he's the big brother of them all and do a little pushing around when he can get away with it.
He liked Gramp a lot, but wasn't to sure about me for a while...but we got to be friends.
We did some golfing. I was a part time golf cart driver and heckler extraordinaire...
This looks like a group of silly boys that were liking to tease and play.
Then after we had visited and were getting ready to come home it was decided to call down to the U of U hospital and do a little checking and with what they said it was a split trip back home...Gramp and I bringing the boy's home with us, Beans was already on her way to the big city for school shopping with her other Gramma, Momma K and Daddy T headed into the big city and low and behold...
That night this little snugly bug came...Two weeks late...

I drove the boy's to the big city to meet their new baby brother...
When they all got to come to our house Shy got to come spend over the night and meet her new brother...
Then she was off to wrap up the Summer and get ready for school too.
Tiny Dancer was not thinking it was a good thing for her Mommy to hold this little snugly bug at all-but it was very ok for her to.
Tiny Dancer was not thinking it was a good thing for her Mommy to hold this little snugly bug at all-but it was very ok for her to.
And she was very gentle with him...
She played "peek-a-boo" with him and kissed him and poked him in the eye like a good cousins do.

Tiny Dancers Mommy did get to hold him when she wasn't looking to closely...

He seems to be a very content little guy...

While Shy was here we took pictures with the big frame...

Pictures with the new old window...
We all had a bout with a flu bug while they were here, none of us at the same time, and I hope are all over it.
Gramp is not as nervous as he once was to hold tiny new baby's...
I'm not sure who is checking out whom here-are you?
Tiny Dancers Mommy did get to hold him when she wasn't looking to closely...
He seems to be a very content little guy...
While Shy was here we took pictures with the big frame...
Pictures with the new old window...
School is starting in various stages and Summer is winding down...
The next big adventure we are looking forward to is our brown eyed grandson's 8th birthday coming up fast and being able to visit our boating family soon...
Then this Summer can go to sleep and settle into a crisp Fall with the things it will bring...Honey and I will be content to have been able to visit and spend time with each of our children and grand children over the Summer past and will talk about how much we love each and every one of them as we settle in for the Winter month's ahead...
We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.
Encourage each other!!!
Encourage each other!!!