Are what this blog will be about today.
I have a very Dear friend, by the name of "Howdy Neighbor".
I am pretty sure she knows the names of all the plants and what they do and where they grow...unlike me.
I stood in Stinging Nettle up to my waist once, picking Elder Berries for my Brother-In-Law and could still - to this day -
not be able to tell you what it looks like...
So while I was taking pictures of one of her daughter's, " H. N." was able to tell me that yes, I had indeed stood her daughter in a beautiful, green, and thriving spot of Stinging Nettle.
Not to worry, "Neighborette" is fine...
So I thought I would let you know that I do know what
some plants are
...For instance, I know that my now neighbor has an Apricot tree that blooms beautifully every Spring...

And this here-
Is a grape vine...
Another neighbor's Apricot tree's bloom.
My really big, beautiful Sweet William that lives in the front flower bed.
Aren't the colors amazing?
This is a straight out of camera picture...
Really! Use your foliage settings...

New growth on my mini size, grocery store rose bush that is now as tall as my porch...
It has yellow roses in case you wondered...
Apricot buds, just popping to become the inspiration of a children's song...
And this little beauty.
Is a flower that is very happy in the coolest months of the year-
Early Spring and Late Fall...
It is an English Daisy,
This one is probably where the saying comes from, "one woman's flower,
is another woman's weed"...
Morning Glory and Grape Hyacinth...

Cheery Cherry blossoms...the pie sort of cherry.
Sweet Almond blossoms...
Pink Peonies...
I would go into the way people pronounce this but it is to much like "tomato" and "tomato" don't you think?
So how ever you pronounce it I think you might agree that its a beautiful bloom.
Wild Raspberries.
I know they are wild as they live by a large creek, or is it a small river??
Either way I thought that helped them qualify as "WiLd"...
And because the title says there would be bugs here too...
I thought I'd show you this little photogenic fly-he was all to happy to sit there while I found his "good side"...and in return I told him I would post it for him...

And this last one was really the first one...
It's one I like, I like it alot.
It was just a baby out sitting on a branch just off the patio...and I wanted to see how good my zoom was on my canon...
I thought both-the tiny Dragon Fly and the zoom were amazing...
Remember;We're fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.
Encourage each other!!!